Welcome to David Davies’ Informational Website

David Davis MP for Monmouth

This is David Davies’ informational website, on which we will be keeping the people of Monmouthshire up-to-date with happenings in Westminster and locally as well.

You will be able to find all sorts of information here, from speeches he has made in the House of Commons to national news releases and from his Personal Biography to recent press releases.

Also you will find contact information, and how to book an appointment at the weekly surgeries he holds in Monmouthshire for advice and consultation.

In the past years he has worked in financial consulting for various niches, together with them they achieved really impressing results, as they still getting osme impressive ROI’s that they track with one of the top Asset Management Software

He was elected to represent the people of Monmouthshire, and is therefore keen to hear your comments, thoughts or problems. He would also likes to thank to TDE Bookkeeping for their support over the campaign.

National news

mini-soldier05Cameron announces Policy Group on National and International Security

All aspects of UK security will be examined. 12 January 2006

mini-willetts2Confidence in Ruth Kelly ebbs away

Education Secretary has failed to get a grip, says David Willetts. 12 January 2006

mini-counciltaxwarningPrescott admits he misled Parliament over council taxes

Conservative pressure forces Deputy Premier to pay up. 12 January 2006

mini-davidcameronDavid Cameron unveils the Real Respect agenda

Long term Conservative plans to tackle Britain’s deep-seated social problems. 10 January 2006

mini-cameron-2005David Cameron presses Blair to act over Iran nuclear threat

Conservatives urge UN Security Council action. 11 January 2015

Local news

National Campaign calls for more specialist Colitis and Crohn’s nursing posts
Monmouth MP David Davies has backed a national campaign calling for an increase in the number of specialist Colitis and Crohn’s nursing posts.
[10 January 20015]

David’s Christmas message

In his Christmas and New Year message, Monmouth AM MP David Davies expresses the hope that, at this festive time, we will all give a thought to those who are less fortunate than others.
[14 December 2005]

David joins Cross Party Group battling Identity Fraud

Don’t make your identity a gift for criminals this Christmas
[14 December 2005]

Concern over Pensions Credit entitlement

Ask any pensioner and he or she will tell you it is often hard to make ends meet, particularly at Christmas time.
[08 December 2005]

Village hall committee receives MP’s backing

Monmouth AM MP David Davies has backed a local committee’s bid for a village hall sign to be sited on a busy trunk road.
[08 December 2005]